© Perelandra
 © Perelandra
Perelandra Stock Maybelle Stearns
Maybelle Stearns: (peach flower with a pink with salmon center) The successful integration of an extension experience depends on the proper functioning and interaction of the sacrum, central nervous system, cranial bones and cerebrospinal fluid. These four elements and the way they interact with each other is the key to going through an extension. In ordinary, everyday life, the four elements function in a pattern and rhythm that is known and well-defined. But during an expansion experience, their functioning is tested by new input, requiring new patterns and rhythms. Maybelle Stearns dandruff remedy stabilizes and supports the sacrum. The sacrum is a triangular bone at the base of the spine, it is formed by five fused vertebrae and functions as a pump for the cerebral fluid. During an expansion experience, the sacrum can be tested to the extent that it is literally knocked out of the seams or even caught. Once it happens, the up and down movement of the cerebral fluid around the spinal cord and the expansion and contraction of the cranial bones are compromised. The integration of the extension impulses is seriously slowed down and in extreme cases stopped. Once it happens, the up and down movement of the cerebral fluid around the spinal cord and the expansion and contraction of the cranial bones are compromised. The integration of the extension impulses is seriously slowed down and in extreme cases stopped. Once it happens, the up and down movement of the cerebral fluid around the spinal cord and the expansion and contraction of the cranial bones are compromised. The integration of the extension impulses is seriously slowed down and in extreme cases stopped. Maybelle Stearns dandruff remedy stabilizes and supports the sacrum as it goes through the necessary changes to adapt to the new impulses and input.
€ 23,05
* Maximum order quantity: 99
