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 © Findhorn © Findhorn
Findhorn Stock Wild Pansy
Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor) also known as 'Heart's Ease' - RESONANCE - Clear the pathways to the free flow of life energies from the heart.

An Essence is a blessed energy drink believed to contain the vibratory signature of one or more Flowers, Gemstones or Elements of nature.

This essence is believed to contain the energetic vibration of this single flower.

Add 3 - 7 drops of energy drink directly onto the tongue.
Alternatively, add to a glass or bottle of water for sipping.
Use as and when you wish to invite this energy into your day.

Water and Organic Cognac (ABV = 12%)
This essence is believed to contain the energetic vibration of a flower.
€ 19,50
* Maximum order quantity: 99
